Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Poll Results

Thanks to anyone who participated in the Baby Pool. Due to her early arrival, the winners are now posted! Be sure to check and see how you did!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Introducing: Katelyn Ann Silverman

Katelyn Ann Silverman was born this morning at 7:33am. 
She weighs 7lbs, 14ozs and is 20.5 inches long. 

We went to our weekly OB meeting yesterday at 4pm. When they checked for dilation, I was already at 6cm and felt nothing. Therefore, they sent us right to MJH for monitoring. They broke my water at 11:30pm and I didn't feel anything uncomfortable until 4:30ish. I had two separate doses of fentanyl when contractions were uncomfortable and I was getting agitated, but they wore off very quickly and long before the birth. She came very quickly once I dilated to 10cm. Working 6:30am - 2:30pm yesterday has certainly left me exhausted, but seemed to help with keeping me from being stiff. Everything about this has been a surprise, but we are all happy healthy and safe! Will post more pictures and a longer birth story sometime in the near future, but for now we're busy enjoying our new little one. Thanks for all the well wishes! :)

Week 37 Update

I had written this & had it saved as a draft while going to my OB appointment to see how much I weighed. Thought I would just go ahead & post it since I've already filled it out!

Weekly Update:

How far along?: 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 20 pound gain

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Absolutely, Shirts - again, absolutely.

Stretch Marks?: More than I can count, but at least I haven't found any new ones in a while.

Sleep: Much better than a few weeks ago. Maybe I won't be exhausted when its time for the baby to arrive!

Best moment this week: Finishing up all the thank you notes & sending them out.

Movement: Slowing down. I guess there isn't as much room to swim around in there!

Food cravings: Cocoa Pebbles

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none yet

Belly Button in or out?: Normally out or just gone all together.

What I miss: Being able to sit up in bed without feeling in pain.

What I am looking forward to: Actually having the baby.

Weekly Wisdom: For some reason everything for the baby takes batteries. Nothing really plugs in. Buy lots and lots of batteries for all the new things you'll need for a baby.

Milestones: We're officially full term! She can be born any day without concern. Its a good feeling :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Name Hint #8

Hint #8

Her first name is of Irish origin.

Missed the previous hints? Click for Hint #1Hint #2, and Hint #3Hint #4Hint #5Hint #6, and Hint #7.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Belly Photo

Week  36 Belly Photo. Just thought I'd share! 
This was taken on Christmas Day :)

Week 36 Update

Weekly Update:

How far along?: 36 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 14.5ish - I'll be weighed again on Monday

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Absolutely, Shirts - again, absolutely.

Stretch Marks?: A ton :(

Sleep: Getting better - I only wake up once or twice to use the bathroom, but don't have trouble falling back asleep.

Best moment this week: Putting together the baby stuff & organizing her room.

Movement: Slowing down some, but she still moves a lot.

Food cravings: HotCakes Foccacia Bread

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none - but hopefully sooner rather than later since we're considered full term tomorrow!

Belly Button in or out?: Normally out or just gone all together.

What I miss: Being able to bend and reach things easily.

What I am looking forward to: Finishing up last minute shopping and preparations for her arrival.

Weekly Wisdom: Hearing people's birth stories when you're pregnant can be scary. Don't listen to them. Everyone is different.

Milestones: Our house finally looks like the baby is coming soon. We have things unpacked, set up, and ready to go. I'm feeling more prepared each day!