Friday, July 13, 2012

ASL vs Hand Gestures

How do you teach yourself a new language? I have been struggling with that recently. ASL is helping Kate to communicate with us. Her delay in speech is making it difficult to determine what she is trying to say. By saying words and doing an ASL sign we are able to give her a positive response.

The biggest issue? Real "American Sign Language" signs vs. our own made up hand gestures. It is EASY to make up a hand sign for something and have it be understood. However, since we are attempting to learn/instruct Katelyn in a new language the correct signs are important. One sign I know I have taught her incorrectly is "bath". I do a sign where a cross my arms as if hugging myself and then rub my hands up and down on the top portion of my arms. The true sign for bath is two fists held parallel on your chest. You motion them up and down to indicate scrubbing yourself for "Bath" as seen below:

Photo courtesy of 
At this point, we do not know any other children or families using ASL. However, I want Katelyn to have the opportunity to connect with others if she chooses. Using the correct ASL hand signs will be crucial to her communication with those who hearing aids do not help. In addition, if she goes somewhere with a large crowd (such as the Monticello Naturalization Ceremony) and has a hard time hearing the ceremony due to background noise, she will be able to follow along with the sign language interpreter standing to the side of the stage.

Adults do not learn languages as rapidly as children do. I thought Kate did not know many signs until this week. She has understood many gestures and signs that she would not perform until recently. This made me aware of the importance of teaching her the correct ASL sign from now on. Have you learned a new language as an adult? How did you make the time for it in addition to your every day activities? Do you have any helpful hints? I would love to hear from you!

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