Can you imagine not being able to hear your favorite radio station? Last weekend we were at a family reunion in Pennsylvania. Katelyn was out at the pool, therefore she couldn't wear her hearing aids. My aunt has outdoor speakers that music was being played through. As an experiment, I took Katelyn up to the speaker and let her feel the vibrations. She instantly began to dance. Every so often she would touch it again or get very close to be sure there was still music. I really wish I had the sensitivity to vibrations that she does. It is clear in these moments that she experiences life in a different way than I do.
The next day, my cousin Jacob showed her his drum set. She had been quite curious about it, but no one had shown her how it worked. She was in heaven.
Jacob and Katelyn, July 2012 |
Aaron & Katelyn on Piano and Jake on Trombone & Drums with Sam looking on. |
For about an hour or so, Jacob and Aaron played the drums, the piano, and the trombone with her. She ran from instrument to instrument while dancing in between. I cannot wait until she is older to see where her interest in music takes her. Will she be in the band? Work for a music group? Or just be a dancing queen? Only time will tell!
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