Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bath Night = Spaghetti Night

I have Mondays and Tuesdays off work. So, naturally, these are the days we try out new things. Today, we cooked dinner (which is rare) so Kate got to enjoy some spaghetti.

Before she began:
 -- organic whole wheat elbow noodles, red marinara sauce, mixed vegetables, and whole wheat bread

Mid meal:
-- clearly enjoying her meal. She has a healthy appetite!

At the end of the meal:
-- happy girl!! Pretty much because she had 3 helpings, but who's counting ;)

PS: you can see those two new teeth in the last photo. I love her new smile!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Simply Amazing

Every day is a new adventure. it is interesting to see how Kate Grows so much with each passing day. She has 2 bottom teeth. I can give her food right off of my plate. Today she even sat up (using her stomach muscles) from a laying down position for the first time. Its simply amazing how different she is each day. Then I look through pictures and see how big she gets. For instance, when we all went to DC we put Kate in the stroller for the first time without her infant carrier. She was so tiny she couldn't see. The above picture was her in the stroller the other day. She fits it perfectly.

Its just unbelievable how much she grows and how quickly. Can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kate's First "Happy Meal"

Kate is now 10 months old and eats mostly solid food. This is a welcome change. It will be cheaper and easier to feed her now that she doesn't need baby food at every meal. Monday evening we went to Chik-Fil-A with my mom and grandmother. Little did we know that it was Kid's night and by purchasing an adult meal we got a kids meal for free.

Clearly, Kate got her first kid's meal. She had a fruit cup, chicken nuggets, and I shared a few of my fries with her. It was great to see all the choices of what you could opt not to get in order to provide your child with a healthier meal.

In addition, they have board books for children under 3 years old. Between the board book and the balloon, Kate was in heaven :)