Monday, July 25, 2011

18 Month Photo Update

Some days I just can't believe how big she's gotten. what happened to my little girl?? This stage is my favorite stage so far with her! Being 18 months old she can walk, understand directions, & tries to be "helpful" - although the understanding of the word help is debateable ;)

Now if only she would talk...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Boxes. Boxes Everywhere.

Is it possible that after you have children, life passes by 100x faster than before? It does not feel like we have lived in our apartment for a year. However, it's moving time again. Katelyn loves moving time because there are new toys (empty boxes) everywhere! I do not love moving time. Packing is an overwhelming task when you're packing a 2 bedroom place alone and trying to live in it simultaneously. However, that's what I will be spending this week doing. Packing.

Funny thing is, I just unpacked the final boxes two months ago. Unpacking made this chapter of my life real, permanent, when I was not ready for it. Therefore, I put it off as long as possible. Surprisingly once the apartment was unpacked and had photos on the walls, it felt more like home. I never expected that I could like this place.

Katelyn right after we moved in our apt

A lot has changed in the last year. Katelyn and I are now happy and strong. At this time last year, I felt defeated and did not think life would be okay again. I cringed at the thought of living in this apartment. We lived in a box maze for months solely because I was in denial that this was permanent. 

Good news is, we made it. Life is good. We can only enjoy the present, look to the future and keep moving forward. May this next year be another adventure!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Potty Training Begins

Much to my surprise, it's time to introduce potty training. Katelyn doesn't speak yet, but she does take off her diaper and sit on her potty seat. At daycare she has been found sitting on the potty (fully clothed of course) with toilet paper in hand. She is quite curious about it. So much that I had to put a lock on the toilet for her safety.

We have purchased a potty seat and made several attempts to use it. Due to the two 17 hour car rides we had over the past week, I hadn't encouraged the use of the potty until yesterday. Yesterday, I went to get Katelyn up from her nap and I found her diaperless. She had taken it off and luckily she had remained clean in her bed.

Thus...potty training begins! Since she's so young, I expect it to be a long road ahead! Do you have any suggestions on what works and what doesn't work with potty training?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Imitation is the Sincerest form of Flattery

In the past week or so Katelyn has grown to be a copycat. Things you don't realize your doing she starts to repeat. A few examples are:

1. I snapped to get her attention for a photo. She put her hand above her head and tried to snap back at me. (see photo above)

2. I covered my mouth with a napkin when I quietly burped at dinner the other day. She now makes an odd noise every time she covers her mouth with a napkin.

3. If you sneeze around her, she pretends to sneeze back at you.

These are all things she began to do on our vacation. Now I just need to be more aware of myself to ensure I quit my bad habits and prevent them being passed onto her as well. So far, the only thing she won't repeat: speaking. I guess only time will tell!!

Basically, I think she's pretty awesome. Her imitations of people and things make me laugh every day. How did I get so lucky to have such an awesome little girl??

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Independence Day

 Last year on the 4th of July it was moving day. No fireworks, no fun. Just moving our things out in 100+ degree weather. This year, I was determined to have a normal holiday (as normal as it can be with an 18 month old). The rain didn't help the mood of the day. I had planned to make the "Wave Your Flag Cheesecake" that I found online at (final product pictured above) and it was delicious. It was also great to get assistance from Jessyca (pictured below) to finish the decorations on top. Baking with another person is twice the fun of doing it alone :)

Despite the rain, we went for a walk in to the park and played out in the rain. It was a good time. We also set off some small fireworks. Unfortunately, the concrete was too wet for the glowing snake fireworks so they got set off on the porch. Below is a photo of Eric lighting the "snakes" while Kate attempts to oversee.

PS: We did see big fireworks later that night, but by their 9:30pm start time, Kate could've cared less. Oh well! Maybe next year?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Walking: Day 1

Kate had taken her "First Step" for UncUnc (my Brother in law, James) & my sister's friend MaryLynn a few weeks before this video was taken. Kate didn't decide to join the world of the walking until Mother's day weekend. What a mother's day present it was :)

Just like everything she's done in life. She does it on her terms, her time, and then she's excellent at it quickly. It only took her a few days before she started running.