Monday, September 21, 2009

22 Week OB Appointment

Today we met with Dr. Arnold at Jefferson OB/GYN. Each time we go to the doctor's office we will meet with a different practicioner so we can meet all the partners before Baby Silverman's birthday. He read the results of the urine analysis, initial ultrasound, blood tests and said they all look great. I was also very pleased to learn that my blood type is A+, therefore no RhoGam shots will be necessary during the pregnancy.

According to the Ultrasound and their counting, we recieved another possible due date of January 18th. Essentially, the Baby will come sometime in January or Early February, anytime it's ready. Everything seems to be going well and we are going for the "big ultrasound", to hopefully see if Baby Silverman is a boy or girl, this Wednesday at 10:15am. We're very excited to find out, and we'll keep everyone posted :)

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