Monday, November 16, 2009

Week 29 Update (also a little late)

Weekly Update:

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 13 - only gained 3 again this month!

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Most Def, Shirts - I make a lot of my pre-pregnancy shirts work

Stretch Marks?: More and more each day - those creams don't really help much :(

Sleep: Getting worse...Now putting a pillow between my legs is a must.

Best moment this week: Hearing everything is great (and that she will possibly be early) at the OB Appointment!

Movement: She moves ALL the time. I can even see my stomach move with her most of the time now.

Food cravings: Taco Bell

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none, thankfully

Belly Button in or out?: Just barely in there

What I miss: This week it has been Margaritas

What I am looking forward to: Painting the nursery & having that project out of the way.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't think that you'll get tons of sleep before the baby is born. Basically at about 25 weeks my good sleep was over. Maybe by the time she is 18 I can get at least one more good night's sleep....

Milestones: Week 30 -- only 10 more to go!!

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