Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 34 Update

Weekly Update:

How far along?: 34 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 13.5 - I didn't gain any weight between my last OB appointments 

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Absolutely, Shirts - yes. My old navy maternity order just arrived and it will be nice to have a few things that fit better for the next month!

Stretch Marks?: A ton

Sleep: A lot better than it was a few weeks ago. I don't need to wake up and turn over as often anymore.

Best moment this week: The OB said everything was perfect! It's great to hear good news when we go in there.

Movement: All the time. The OB said she had turned her head down, but I'm pretty sure she still moves and lays side to side sometimes. My stomach has visibly changed shapes like crazy all this week.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none, thankfully

Belly Button in or out?: Still flat 

What I miss: Being able to paint my toenails

What I am looking forward to: People not treating me like I am handicapped.

Weekly Wisdom: You have to decide which pregnancy precautions you want to follow for yourself. Research them carefully, but if you were to follow all of them you'll be isolated to your house, hopped up on vitamins, and eating organic meals that always include some warm meat. Not my idea of a good 9 months...

Milestones: Less than 40 days until she is expected to arrive! We're in the homestretch and almost considered full term!

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