Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 24 Update

Weekly Update:

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 10ish

Sleep: Waking up A LOT during the night. Rolling over in bed is pretty painful.

Best moment this week: Arranging furniture in the nursery. It finally looks like a baby's room :)

Movement: Pretty consistent -- Dylan can feel her kick & sometimes I can see it now!

Food cravings: Same stuff -- not craving anything too badly though.

Gender: GIRL!!

Belly Button in or out?: Still in -- and slowly getting more shallow

What I miss: Being able to take cold medication :(

What I am looking forward to: Painting the nursery

Weekly Wisdom: Prenatal vitamins are more for the Mom than the baby. She's going to take whatever she needs (if not from what I'm eating, she'll take it from my bones, etc).

Milestones: Now we're at 24 weeks the gestational survival rate is over 50% -- while kinda weird to think about, its nice to know that we're past a halfway point.

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