Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 26 Update

Weekly Update:
**This one has a few new questions that I saw on another Mommy Blog**

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 15ish? I will find out Thursday at the Doctor's Appt

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Most of the time, Shirts - Not Yet :)

Stretch Marks?: Some, but nothing too crazy yet

Sleep: Pretty tough - I'm considering getting one of those fancy pillows, but I'm still not sure it would help.

Best moment this week: Being stopped at the gate of the JMU Football game. The woman asked "Did they check your coat? It looks like you've got something in there." My response, "Yeah, its a baby"....She looked pretty embarrassed, haha

Movement: Starting to get stronger - I can't imagine how uncomfortable this can get in the next 14 weeks

Food cravings: Nothing really - right now nothing is appealing to me

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none

Belly Button in or out?: Still in...for now

What I miss: This weekend made me miss regular JMU times --- it was very different going back for the day

What I am looking forward to: Baby showers! I really want my friends to see our house & this is the perfect time

Weekly Wisdom: Be mindful what you say to pregnant women.

Milestones: Less than 100 days until Baby Silverman is set to arrive!!

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