Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 25 Update

Weekly Update & Side Profile Photo:

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 15ish? We don't have a scale so I won't know until next week at the Doctor's Appt

Sleep: Still painful - I'm sleepy, but not able to get much sleep!

Best moment this week: Being given baby clothes! They're sooooo cute :)

Movement: Slowing down some, but she responds to Dylan and I touching my stomach (which we think is cool)

Food cravings: Strawberry Flavored Milk

Gender: GIRL!!

Belly Button in or out?: Still in -- but not for long, I'm sure...

What I miss: Having lots of options for clothing. I have so many clothes that I can't wear right now :(

What I am looking forward to: Washing all the cloth diapers, folding them, and putting them away in the dresser.

Weekly Wisdom: The flu is unavoidable -- I barely leave the house, but Dylan got it so I was still exposed. Just wash your hands, call your doctor, and get some Tamiflu to prevent the flu from infecting you too! There's no reason to be afraid of it, just be aware.

Milestones: Signed up for a baby class and birthing class!

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