Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 27 Update

Weekly Update:
**This one has a few new questions that I saw on another Mommy Blog**

How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 10 - only gained 3 this month! Very exciting :)

Maternity Clothes?: Pants - Most of the time, Shirts - Not Yet

Stretch Marks?: A few -- but most of them are in the same spot on the side of my stomach. The baby must spend a lot of time pushing and laying there.

Sleep: Painful -- starting to take Tylenol 8 hour each night. Hopefully this will help.

Best moment this week: Our fall time fun weekend -- pumpkin carving, apple picking at Carter's Mountain, apple cider, apple donuts, and pretty fall views :)

Movement: Becoming very apparent when I'm trying to sleep - at least she is moving enough to where I don't ever have to be worried.

Food cravings: Strawberry Milk...its delicious

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: none

Belly Button in or out?: Still in - just barely

What I miss: Soda - I've been keeping caffenated sodas out of my life. Its tough.

What I am looking forward to: getting the results of the Glucose Tolerance Test -- having Gestational Diabetes would be awful...

Weekly Wisdom: Don't touch pregnant women's stomachs - its just rude.

Milestones: Got my seasonal flu shot & the gestational diabetes test today...trying to protect myself & the baby in any way possible.

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